The room is large and comfortable, yet the service may not really satisfactory. There is a shopping mall near next to the hotel which is really convenient. Furthermore, u may do not have multiple choices for the breakfast, cuz I think the breakfast is terrible.
全球最大家族邮轮企业MSC地中海邮轮今日宣布将携手卡塔尔交付与传承最高委员会,将MSC地中海歌剧号(MSC Opera)打造成为“海上漂浮酒店”。歌剧号届时将加入MSC地中海欧罗巴(MSC World Europa)和MSC地中海诗歌号(MSC Poesia)的行列,于11月19日至12月19日期间靠泊多哈,接待宾客。
很适合带小朋友一起去,厨房的工具都齐全。楼下商场有比较实在,超市,餐厅多多样化。 另外早餐可以改进一点,多一点西式。
The room is large and comfortable, yet the service may not really satisfactory. There is a shopping mall near next to the hotel which is really convenient. Furthermore, u may do not have multiple choices for the breakfast, cuz I think the breakfast is terrible.
酒店还是可以的 酒店式公寓 工作人员服务也很到位的 周边就是银泰购物城 有吃有玩的 火车站打的大概45左右 酒店早餐也还行吧